Update CONTRIBUTING.md for how to set up a Docker builder (#4668)

Co-authored-by: Frank Elsinga <frank@elsinga.de>
Louis Lam 2024-04-19 02:37:12 -07:00 提交者 GitHub
父节点 b25ac55a2f
当前提交 29575343ca
GPG 密钥 ID: B5690EEEBB952194


@ -490,3 +490,28 @@ We have a few procedures we follow. These are documented here:
</p> </p>
</details> </details>
### Set up a Docker Builder
- amd64, armv7 using local.
- arm64 using remote arm64 cpu, as the emulator is too slow and can no longer pass the `npm ci` command.
1. Add the public key to the remote server.
2. Add the remote context. The remote machine must be arm64 and installed Docker CE.
docker context create oracle-arm64-jp --docker "host=ssh://root@"
3. Create a new builder.
docker buildx create --name kuma-builder --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm/v7
docker buildx use kuma-builder
docker buildx inspect --bootstrap
4. Append the remote context to the builder.
docker buildx create --append --name kuma-builder --platform linux/arm64 oracle-arm64-jp
5. Verify the builder and check if the builder is using `kuma-builder`.
docker buildx inspect kuma-builder
docker buildx ls