Umherirrender c8b574ffd0 Use namespaced classes
Changes to the use statements done automatically via script
Addition of missing use statement done manually

Change-Id: If9b76e0848109486f6074592d3f65c0f1abf4d2e
2024-01-06 17:57:40 +01:00

314 行
11 KiB

namespace GrowthExperiments\Maintenance;
use CirrusSearch\Query\ArticleTopicFeature;
use Generator;
use GrowthExperiments\GrowthExperimentsServices;
use GrowthExperiments\NewcomerTasks\AddLink\LinkRecommendationStore;
use GrowthExperiments\NewcomerTasks\AddLink\LinkRecommendationUpdater;
use GrowthExperiments\NewcomerTasks\ConfigurationLoader\ConfigurationLoader;
use GrowthExperiments\NewcomerTasks\ConfigurationLoader\TopicDecorator;
use GrowthExperiments\NewcomerTasks\Task\TaskSetFilters;
use GrowthExperiments\NewcomerTasks\TaskSuggester\TaskSuggester;
use GrowthExperiments\NewcomerTasks\TaskType\LinkRecommendationTaskType;
use GrowthExperiments\NewcomerTasks\TaskType\LinkRecommendationTaskTypeHandler;
use GrowthExperiments\NewcomerTasks\TaskType\NullTaskTypeHandler;
use GrowthExperiments\WikiConfigException;
use Maintenance;
use MediaWiki\Cache\LinkBatchFactory;
use MediaWiki\Config\Config;
use MediaWiki\MediaWikiServices;
use MediaWiki\Status\Status;
use MediaWiki\Title\Title;
use MediaWiki\Title\TitleFactory;
use MediaWiki\User\User;
use MediaWiki\WikiMap\WikiMap;
use RuntimeException;
use StatusValue;
use Wikimedia\Rdbms\DBReadOnlyError;
$IP = getenv( 'MW_INSTALL_PATH' );
if ( $IP === false ) {
$IP = __DIR__ . '/../../..';
require_once "$IP/maintenance/Maintenance.php";
* Update the growthexperiments_link_recommendations table to ensure there are enough
* recommendations for all topics
class RefreshLinkRecommendations extends Maintenance {
/** @var Config */
private $growthConfig;
/** @var TitleFactory */
private $titleFactory;
/** @var LinkBatchFactory */
private $linkBatchFactory;
/** @var ConfigurationLoader */
private $configurationLoader;
/** @var TaskSuggester */
private $taskSuggester;
/** @var LinkRecommendationStore */
private $linkRecommendationStore;
/** @var LinkRecommendationUpdater */
private $linkRecommendationUpdater;
/** @var LinkRecommendationTaskType */
private $recommendationTaskType;
/** @var User */
private $searchUser;
public function __construct() {
$this->requireExtension( 'GrowthExperiments' );
$this->requireExtension( 'CirrusSearch' );
$this->addDescription( 'Update the growthexperiments_link_recommendations table to ensure '
. 'there are enough recommendations for all topics.' );
$this->addOption( 'topic', 'Only update articles in the given ORES topic.', false, true );
$this->addOption( 'page', 'Only update a specific page.', false, true );
$this->addOption( 'force', 'Generate recommendations even if they fail quality criteria.' );
$this->addOption( 'verbose', 'Show debug output.' );
$this->setBatchSize( 500 );
public function checkRequiredExtensions() {
// Hack: must be early enough for requireExtension to work but late enough for config
// to be available.
$growthServices = GrowthExperimentsServices::wrap( MediaWikiServices::getInstance() );
if ( $growthServices->getGrowthConfig()->get( 'GELinkRecommendationsUseEventGate' ) ) {
$this->requireExtension( 'EventBus' );
public function execute() {
if ( !$this->growthConfig->get( 'GENewcomerTasksLinkRecommendationsEnabled' ) ) {
$this->output( "Disabled\n" );
} elseif ( $this->growthConfig->get( 'GENewcomerTasksRemoteApiUrl' ) ) {
$this->output( "Local tasks disabled\n" );
$lockName = 'GrowthExperiments-RefreshLinkRecommendations-' . WikiMap::getCurrentWikiId();
if ( !$this->linkRecommendationStore->getDB( DB_PRIMARY )->lock( $lockName, __METHOD__, 0 ) ) {
$this->output( "Previous invocation of the script is still running\n" );
$force = $this->hasOption( 'force' );
$this->output( "Refreshing link recommendations...\n" );
$pageName = $this->getOption( 'page' );
if ( $pageName ) {
$title = $this->titleFactory->newFromText( $pageName );
if ( $title ) {
$this->processCandidate( $title, $force );
} else {
$this->fatalError( 'Invalid title: ' . $pageName );
$oresTopics = $this->getOresTopics();
foreach ( $oresTopics as $oresTopic ) {
$this->output( " processing topic $oresTopic...\n" );
$suggestions = $this->taskSuggester->suggest(
new TaskSetFilters(
[ LinkRecommendationTaskTypeHandler::TASK_TYPE_ID ],
[ $oresTopic ]
// Enabling the debug flag is relatively harmless, and disables all caching,
// which we need here. useCache would prevent reading the cache, but would
// still write it, which would be just a waste of space.
[ 'debug' => true ]
// TaskSuggester::suggest() only returns StatusValue when there's an error.
if ( $suggestions instanceof StatusValue ) {
$this->error( Status::wrap( $suggestions )->getWikiText( false, false, 'en' ) );
$recommendationsNeeded = $this->recommendationTaskType->getMinimumTasksPerTopic()
- $suggestions->getTotalCount();
if ( $recommendationsNeeded <= 0 ) {
$this->output( " no new tasks needed\n" );
$this->output( " $recommendationsNeeded new tasks needed\n" );
foreach ( $this->findArticlesInTopic( $oresTopic ) as $titleBatch ) {
$recommendationsFound = 0;
foreach ( $titleBatch as $title ) {
// TODO filter out protected pages. Needs to be batched. Or wait for T259346.
$success = $this->processCandidate( $title, $force );
if ( $success ) {
if ( $recommendationsNeeded <= 0 ) {
break 2;
// findArticlesInTopic() picks articles at random, so we need to abort the loop
// at some point. Do it when no new tasks were generated from the current batch.
if ( $recommendationsFound === 0 ) {
$this->output( ( $recommendationsNeeded === 0 ) ? " task pool filled\n"
: " topic exhausted, $recommendationsNeeded tasks still needed\n" );
protected function initGrowthConfig(): void {
// Needs to be separate from initServices/initConfig as checking whether the script
// should run on a given wiki relies on this, but initServices/initConfig will break
// on some wikis where the script is not supposed to run and the task configuration
// is missing.
$services = MediaWikiServices::getInstance();
$growthServices = GrowthExperimentsServices::wrap( $services );
$this->growthConfig = $growthServices->getGrowthConfig();
protected function initServices(): void {
// Extend the task type configuration with a custom "candidate" task type, which
// finds articles which do not have link recommendations.
$linkRecommendationCandidateTaskType = NullTaskTypeHandler::getNullTaskType(
'_nolinkrecommendations', '-hasrecommendation:link' );
$services = MediaWikiServices::getInstance();
$growthServices = GrowthExperimentsServices::wrap( MediaWikiServices::getInstance() );
$newcomerTaskConfigurationLoader = $growthServices->getNewcomerTasksConfigurationLoader();
$this->configurationLoader = new TopicDecorator(
[ $linkRecommendationCandidateTaskType ]
$this->titleFactory = $services->getTitleFactory();
$this->linkBatchFactory = $services->getLinkBatchFactory();
$this->taskSuggester = $growthServices->getTaskSuggesterFactory()->create( $this->configurationLoader );
$this->linkRecommendationStore = $growthServices->getLinkRecommendationStore();
$this->linkRecommendationUpdater = $growthServices->getLinkRecommendationUpdater();
protected function initConfig(): void {
$taskTypes = $this->configurationLoader->getTaskTypes();
$taskType = $taskTypes[LinkRecommendationTaskTypeHandler::TASK_TYPE_ID] ?? null;
if ( !$taskType || !$taskType instanceof LinkRecommendationTaskType ) {
$this->fatalError( sprintf( "'%s' is not a link recommendation task type",
LinkRecommendationTaskTypeHandler::TASK_TYPE_ID ) );
} else {
$this->recommendationTaskType = $taskType;
$this->searchUser = User::newSystemUser( 'Maintenance script', [ 'steal' => true ] );
* @return string[]
private function getOresTopics(): array {
$topic = $this->getOption( 'topic' );
$oresTopics = array_keys( ArticleTopicFeature::TERMS_TO_LABELS );
if ( $topic ) {
$oresTopics = array_intersect( $oresTopics, [ $topic ] );
if ( !$oresTopics ) {
$this->fatalError( "invalid topic $topic" );
return $oresTopics;
* @param string $oresTopic
* @return Generator<Title[]>
private function findArticlesInTopic( $oresTopic ) {
$batchSize = $this->getBatchSize();
do {
$this->output( " fetching $batchSize tasks...\n" );
$candidates = $this->taskSuggester->suggest(
new TaskSetFilters(
[ '_nolinkrecommendations' ],
[ $oresTopic ]
[ 'debug' => true ]
if ( $candidates instanceof StatusValue ) {
// FIXME exiting will make the cronjob unreliable. Not exiting might result
// in an infinite error loop. Neither looks like a great option.
throw new RuntimeException( 'Search error: '
. Status::wrap( $candidates )->getWikiText( false, false, 'en' ) );
$linkTargets = $titles = [];
foreach ( $candidates as $candidate ) {
$linkTargets[] = $candidate->getTitle();
$this->linkBatchFactory->newLinkBatch( $linkTargets )->execute();
foreach ( $linkTargets as $linkTarget ) {
$titles[] = $this->titleFactory->newFromLinkTarget( $linkTarget );
yield $titles;
} while ( $candidates->count() );
* Evaluate a task candidate and potentially generate the task.
* @param Title $title
* @param bool $force Ignore all failed conditions that can be safely ignored.
* @return bool Whether a new task was generated.
private function processCandidate( Title $title, bool $force = false ): bool {
$this->verboseLog( " checking candidate " . $title->getPrefixedDBkey() . "... " );
try {
$status = $this->linkRecommendationUpdater->processCandidate( $title, $force );
if ( $status->isOK() ) {
$this->verboseLog( "success, updating index\n" );
return true;
} else {
$error = Status::wrap( $status )->getWikiText( false, false, 'en' );
$this->verboseLog( "$error\n" );
} catch ( DBReadOnlyError $e ) {
// This is a long-running script, read-only state can change in the middle.
// It's run frequently so just do the easy thing and abort.
$this->fatalError( 'DB is readonly, aborting' );
} catch ( WikiConfigException $e ) {
// Link recommendations are not configured correctly.
$this->fatalError( $e->getMessage() );
return false;
private function verboseLog( string $message ): void {
if ( $this->hasOption( 'verbose' ) ) {
$this->output( $message );
$maintClass = RefreshLinkRecommendations::class;