
35 行
1.7 KiB

"predef": [
"bitwise": false, // prohibits the use of bitwise operators such as ^ (XOR), | (OR)
"camelcase": false, // allows you to force all variable names to use either camelCase style
"curly": true, // requires you to always put curly braces around blocks in loops and conditionals
"eqeqeq": true, // prohibits the use of == and != in favor of === and !==
"forin": false, // requires all for in loops to filter object's items
"immed": true, // prohibits the use of immediate function invocations without wrapping them
"latedef": true, // prohibits the use of a variable before it was defined
"newcap": false, // requires you to capitalize names of constructor functions
"noarg": true, // prohibits the use of arguments.caller and arguments.callee
"noempty": true, // warns when you have an empty block in your code
"nonew": false, // prohibits the use of constructor functions for side-effects
"quotmark": "single", // enforces the consistency of quotation marks used throughout your code
"regexp": false, // prohibits the use of unsafe . in regular expressions
"undef": false, // prohibits the use of explicitly undeclared variables
"unused": true, // warns when you define and never use your variables
"strict": true, // requires all functions to run in EcmaScript 5's strict mode
"trailing": true, // makes it an error to leave a trailing whitespace in your code
"laxbreak": true, // suppresses most of the warnings about possibly unsafe line breakings
"smarttabs": true, // suppresses warnings about mixed tabs
"multistr": true, // suppresses warnings about multi-line strings
"browser": true // defines globals exposed by modern browsers