
31 行
1.1 KiB

"@metadata": {
"authors": [ "Isarra", "WaitSpring" ]
"skinname-gongbi": "Gongbi",
"gongbi-desc": "A new skin for Qiuwen Baike based on Timeless skin",
"gongbi-anonymous": "Anonymous",
"gongbi-loggedinas": "'''$1'''",
"gongbi-notloggedin": "Not logged in",
"gongbi-userpage": "{{GENDER:$1|User}} page",
"gongbi-talkpage": "{{GENDER:$1|User}} talk",
"gongbi-pagelog": "Page logs",
"gongbi-more": "More",
"gongbi-sitetools": "Tools",
"gongbi-pageactions": "Page tools",
"gongbi-userpagetools": "User page tools",
"gongbi-action-addsection": "New topic",
"gongbi-view-view": "Read",
"gongbi-pagemisc": "More",
"gongbi-namespaces": "Namespaces",
"gongbi-pagetools": "Page actions",
"gongbi-languages": "Languages",
"gongbi-projects": "Other projects",
"gongbi-menus-hover-title": "Turn off the menu",
"gongbi-sitetitle": "{{int:Sitetitle}}",
"gongbi.css": "/* All CSS here will be loaded for users of the Gongbi skin */",
"gongbi.js": "/* All JavaScript here will be loaded for users of the Gongbi skin */",
"gongbi-view-history": "History",
"gongbi-action-undelete": "Undelete {{PLURAL:$1|1 edit|$1 edits}}"