thiemowmde e482005b2e Remove dead code for "colored diff column top borders"
This code was added in 2016 via Iadf7793. The two CSS classes
.mw-revslider-older-diff-column and .mw-revslider-newer-diff-column
became unused only one month later via I317a2fc. Since then all
this is apparently dead code. There are no "top borders" on these
columns any more. Lines still appear in the same position, but as
"border-bottom" on other elements.

It really looks like we just forgot to remove this.

Change-Id: I627628fa44da96ca1f1301d3a879919e4a021e5b
2024-04-18 12:04:10 +02:00

214 行
5.9 KiB

* Module handling diff page reloading and the RevisionSlider browser history
* @class Diffpage
* @constructor
function DiffPage() {
this.lastRequest = null;
$.extend( DiffPage.prototype, {
* Refreshes the diff view with two given revision IDs
* @param {number} diff
* @param {number} oldid
* @param {SliderView} sliderView
* @param {number} [retryAttempt=0]
refresh: function ( diff, oldid, sliderView, retryAttempt ) {
const self = this,
retryLimit = 2,
data = {
diff: diff,
oldid: oldid
params = this.getExtraDiffPageParams();
retryAttempt = retryAttempt || 0;
if ( Object.keys( params ).length > 0 ) {
$.extend( data, params );
if ( this.lastRequest ) {
$( 'table.diff[data-mw="interface"]' ).addClass( 'mw-revslider-diff-loading' );
this.lastRequest = $.ajax( {
url: mw.util.wikiScript( 'index' ),
data: data,
tryCount: 0
} );
// Don't chain, so lastRequest is a jQuery.jqXHR object
this.lastRequest.then( function ( data2 ) {
const $data = $( data2 ),
$container = $( '.mw-revslider-container' ),
scrollLeft = $container.find( '.mw-revslider-revisions-container' ).scrollLeft();
// Add our current rendered slider into the newly loaded container
$data.find( '.mw-revslider-container' ).replaceWith( $container );
const $contentText = $data.find( '#mw-content-text' );
// Replace elements on the page with the newly loaded elements, from top to bottom
$( '#mw-content-text' ).replaceWith( $contentText );
$( '.printfooter' ).replaceWith( $data.find( '.printfooter' ) );
$( '#catlinks' ).replaceWith( $data.find( '#catlinks' ) );
$( '#mw-panel' ).replaceWith( $data.find( '#mw-panel' ) );
// Update edit link
$( '#ca-edit a, #ca-ve-edit a' ).each( function () {
const uri = new mw.Uri( $( this ).attr( 'href' ) );
uri.query.oldid = diff;
$( this ).attr( 'href', uri.toString() );
} );
// Update wgRevisionId (T161257), and wgDiffOldId/NewId
mw.config.set( {
wgRevisionId: diff,
wgDiffOldId: oldid,
wgDiffNewId: diff
} );
$( '.mw-revslider-revisions-container' ).scrollLeft( scrollLeft );
self.addHandlersToCoreLinks( sliderView );
// Re-trigger existing, stable core hooks under the same circumstances as in core
mw.hook( 'wikipage.content' ).fire( $contentText );
mw.hook( 'wikipage.diff' ).fire( $( document.body ).find( 'table.diff' ) );
}, function ( xhr ) {
$( 'table.diff[data-mw="interface"]' ).removeClass( 'mw-revslider-diff-loading' );
if ( xhr.statusText !== 'abort' ) {
mw.track( 'counter.MediaWiki.RevisionSlider.error.refresh' );
if ( retryAttempt <= retryLimit ) {
self.refresh( diff, oldid, sliderView, retryAttempt + 1 );
// TODO notify the user that we failed to update the diff?
// This could also attempt to reload the page with the correct diff loaded without ajax?
} );
* Replaces the current state in the history stack
* @param {number} diff
* @param {number} oldid
* @param {SliderView} sliderView
replaceState: function ( diff, oldid, sliderView ) {
this.getStateObject( diff, oldid, sliderView ),
$( document ).find( 'title' ).text(),
this.getStateUrl( diff, oldid )
* Pushes the current state onto the history stack
* @param {number} diff
* @param {number} oldid
* @param {SliderView} sliderView
pushState: function ( diff, oldid, sliderView ) {
this.getStateObject( diff, oldid, sliderView ),
$( document ).find( 'title' ).text(),
this.getStateUrl( diff, oldid )
* Gets a state object to be used with history.replaceState and history.pushState
* @private
* @param {number} diff
* @param {number} oldid
* @param {SliderView} sliderView
* @return {Object}
getStateObject: function ( diff, oldid, sliderView ) {
return {
diff: diff,
oldid: oldid,
pointerOlderPos: sliderView.pointerOlder.getPosition(),
pointerNewerPos: sliderView.pointerNewer.getPosition(),
sliderPos: sliderView.slider.getOldestVisibleRevisionIndex()
* Gets a URL to be used with history.replaceState and history.pushState
* @private
* @param {number} diff
* @param {number} oldid
* @return {string}
getStateUrl: function ( diff, oldid ) {
let url = mw.util.wikiScript( 'index' ) + '?diff=' + diff + '&oldid=' + oldid;
const params = this.getExtraDiffPageParams();
for ( const key in params ) {
url += '&' + key + '=' + params[ key ];
return url;
* Returns an object containing all possible parameters that should be included in diff URLs
* when selected revisions change, e.g. uselang
* @private
* @return {Object}
getExtraDiffPageParams: function () {
const params = {},
paramArray = 1 ).split( '&' ).filter( function ( elem ) {
return elem.indexOf( '=' ) > 0 && elem.match( /^(diff|oldid)=/ ) === null;
} );
paramArray.forEach( function ( elem ) {
const pair = elem.split( '=', 2 );
params[ pair[ 0 ] ] = pair[ 1 ];
} );
return params;
* @param {SliderView} sliderView
initOnPopState: function ( sliderView ) {
window.addEventListener( 'popstate', function ( event ) {
if ( event.state === null ) {
mw.track( 'counter.MediaWiki.RevisionSlider.event.historyChange' );
sliderView.slider.setFirstVisibleRevisionIndex( event.state.sliderPos );
} );
* @param {SliderView} sliderView
addHandlersToCoreLinks: function ( sliderView ) {
$( '#differences-nextlink' ).on( 'click', function () {
return false;
} );
$( '#differences-prevlink' ).on( 'click', function () {
return false;
} );
} );
module.exports = DiffPage;