Stegmujo a82727f61f
Rename TexVC in PHP to WikiTexVC
Change-Id: Idd98205ea291640b01946374f15c807da7fc26e5
2023-11-24 16:41:30 +01:00

114 行
2.5 KiB

declare( strict_types = 1 );
namespace MediaWiki\Extension\Math\WikiTexVC\Nodes;
use InvalidArgumentException;
class Matrix extends TexNode {
/** @var string */
private $top;
/** @var TexArray */
private $mainarg;
* @param string $top
* @param TexArray $mainarg
* @throws InvalidArgumentException if nested arguments are not of type TexArray
public function __construct( string $top, TexArray $mainarg ) {
foreach ( $mainarg->args as $arg ) {
if ( !$arg instanceof TexArray ) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'Nested arguments have to be type of TexArray' );
parent::__construct( $top, $mainarg );
$this->top = $top;
$this->mainarg = $mainarg;
* @return string
public function getTop(): string {
return $this->top;
* @return TexArray
public function getMainarg(): TexArray {
return $this->mainarg;
public function containsFunc( $target, $args = null ) {
if ( $args == null ) {
$args = [
'\\begin{' . $this->top . '}',
'\\end{' . $this->top . '}',
return parent::containsFunc( $target, $args );
public function inCurlies() {
return $this->render();
public function render() {
return '{\\begin{' . $this->top . '}' . $this->renderMatrix( $this->mainarg ) . '\\end{' . $this->top . '}}';
public function renderMML( $arguments = [], $state = [] ): string {
return $this->parseToMML( $this->getTop(), $arguments, null );
private function renderMatrix( $matrix ) {
$mapped = array_map( [ self::class, 'renderLine' ], $matrix->args );
return implode( '\\\\', $mapped );
private static function renderLine( $l ) {
$mapped = array_map( static function ( $x ){
return $x->render();
}, $l->args );
return implode( '&', $mapped );
public function extractIdentifiers( $args = null ) {
if ( $args == null ) {
$args = [ $this->mainarg ];
$mapped = array_map( function ( $a ){
return array_map( function ( $p ){
return parent::extractIdentifiers( $p->args );
}, $a->args );
}, $args );
return self::flatDeep( $mapped );
private static function flatDeep( $a ) {
if ( !is_array( $a ) ) {
return $a;
$reduced = array_reduce( $a, [ self::class, 'reduceCallback' ], [] );
return $reduced;
private static function reduceCallback( $acc, $val ) {
// Casting to array if output is string, this is required for array_merge function.
$fld = self::flatDeep( $val );
if ( !is_array( $fld ) ) {
$fld = [ $fld ];
return array_merge( $acc, $fld );