# Contributing Thank you for considering contributing to *Citizen*! *Citizen* is a small open-source project, and we really appreciate any help! Here are the areas that you can contribute to: - Code patches - Documentation improvements - Bug reports and fixes - Feature requests and suggestions - Translating into various languages* ## How to submit a contribution If you would like to contribute to *Citizen*, follow these steps: 1. [Fork](https://github.com/StarCitizenTools/mediawiki-skins-Citizen/fork) the *Citizen* repository. 2. Create a new branch in your fork to make your changes. 3. Commit your changes to your new branch. 4. Push your changes to your fork on GitHub. 5. Submit a pull request from your branch to the *Citizen* repository. We will review your pull request and, if everything looks good, merge it into the main codebase. ## Translations You can submit translations via [TranslateWiki.net](https://translatewiki.net/w/i.php?title=Special:Translate&group=mwgithub-star-citizen). They are usually merged bi-weekly. ## Questions If you have any questions about contributing to *Citizen*, feel free to [open an issue](https://github.com/StarCitizenTools/mediawiki-skins-Citizen/issues/new/choose) in the *Citizen* repository and ask. There are additional resources in the [GitHub wiki](https://github.com/StarCitizenTools/mediawiki-skins-Citizen/wiki) as well.