
11 行
1.3 KiB

"@metadata": {
"authors": []
"newsignuppage-desc": "{{desc|name=NewSignupPage|url=}}",
"newsignuppage-recruited": "$1 is a URL to the recruited user's user page; $2 is the recruited user's username. This message is displayed on Special:UserActivity and on the output of <siteactivity> tag on wikis where the [[mw:Extension:SocialProfile|SocialProfile extension]] is installed and site administrators have chosen to give out points for recruiting new users; not used on normal wikis",
"newsignuppage-loginform-tos": "The text for the new checkbox which is displayed in Special:CreateAccount, right below the \"Remember my login on this computer\" checkbox.\nParameters:\n* $1 is the full URL to the site's terms of service page, configurable via the <code>$wgNewSignupPageToSURL</code> global variable\n* $2 is the full URL to the site's privacy policy page, configurable via the <code>$wgNewSignupPagePPURL</code> global variable",
"newsignuppage-must-accept-tos": "Error message displayed to the user in Special:CreateAccount in a fancy red <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> if they don't check the \"I accept the Terms of Service\" checkbox",
"action-bypasstoscheck": "{{doc-action|bypasstoscheck}}",
"right-bypasstoscheck": "{{doc-right|bypasstoscheck}}"